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01865 803988

Antenatal Exercise Classes

It’s a well known fact that exercise is good for the body and for the mind which is why it’s so beneficial for expectant and new mothers. The challenge of pregnancy, labour and looking after a new born is no easy task so the fitter you are the better you will cope with this life changing event.

Contrary to popular belief it is even more important to exercise when you are pregnant. This is not only to help you adjust to the increasing weight and posture changes but also to keep your baby healthy and help you cope effectively with the labour. Quite simply, the more active and fitter you are the better you will cope with being pregnant, the labour itself and those all important postnatal baby care duties. The royal college of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists suggests that exercise in pregnancy can also help prevent medical conditions such as Gestational Diabetes (diabetes that develops during pregnancy) and high blood pressure as well as reducing labour time and delivery complications.

Whilst exercise in pregnancy is extremely beneficial, it can cause more harm than good if not done correctly. For example if you are exercising too intensively, have a medical or obstetric complication or exercising on your back after 16 weeks. Make sure you touch-base with a Women’s Health Physiotherapist to go through your ‘do’s and don’ts’ so you don’t put yourself or your baby at risk.

How can the specialist Antenatal & Postnatal exercise classes help?

The specialist exercise classes are specifically designed for pregnant and postnatal women to promote optimal fitness and function during this challenging time for the body. It is structured around key muscle, joint and posture changes, which can ultimately result in decreased general fitness and common aches and pains.

What do the specialist exercise classes involve?

Essentially the exercise classes involve a warm-up followed by an antenatal or postnatal specific aerobic and core strengthening and re-conditioning pilates element. It is a nice opportunity to relax and enjoy dome all important targeted exercise in the presence of a specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapist?


Place: Woodstock & Chipping Norton

Duration: Up to one hour

Cost: £120 for a course of 12 classes (roll-on option available). Bank transfer payable in advance.

Format: Warm up, Antenatal & Postnatal specific Aerobics & Pilates

Booking: Advanced booking required. Please complete the Antenatal & Postnatal class registration questionnaire if you would like to book onto this class

Other: 1:1 sessions available on request and at a location of your choice (your home, fitness club, or local park etc).

Physio for Women – Specialist physiotherapy & pilates.

Where to Find Us

Our clinic is located in Oxford.
Click here to view map.

Exercise Class Registration

Book your place on one of our exercise classes now. Click here to register your interest.

Get in Touch

Need help? Give us a call or arrange a callback by leaving us a message here.