Call us on 01865 803988 or message us using the form below
Complete the fields below and send us your enquiry. We will respond as soon as we can.
01865 803988


01865 803988

Important Class Information

Dear Participant

We very much want you to enjoy your exercise classes, but it is important you exercise safely and effectively in order to get the most out of them. We therefore kindly ask you to read the following useful information:

  • Wear comfortable clothing and supportive footwear such as trainers (aerobic class only).

  • Bring some water with you and a thick towel or mat to lay on.

  • If you are pregnant it is advisable to bring a small snack bar (or something similar) with you in your bag. If you are 16 weeks pregnant or more you’ll also need to bring some pillows with you to be positioned suitably during the class.

  • Please let the physiotherapist know if there have been any changes in your health since signing up for the classes or since your last attendance.

  • If you are feeling unwell during the class or experience any pain then let your physiotherapist know immediately.

  • It is important that you attend all your classes. This is not only to ensure you get the most out of your course but also out of fairness to those patients who may be on a waiting list as our numbers are limited

If you are new to our classes we need to assess you prior to attending. This is not only to comply with our professional code of practice, but to ensure you get the most out of them in order to achieve your goals.   To book your assessment please click here:

Please note:

The physiotherapist is not able to offer individual physiotherapy consultations during the class. If you would like an individual consultation please see ‘appointments’ for prices and contact ‘Physio for Women’ to book in.


Physio for Women – Specialist Physiotherapy & Pilates

Where to Find Us

Our clinic is located in Oxford.
Click here to view map.

Exercise Class Registration

Book your place on one of our exercise classes now. Click here to register your interest.

Get in Touch

Need help? Give us a call or arrange a callback by leaving us a message here.